Article No. 0344

A Coming
You Can Avoid

“As it is appointed unto men
once to die, but after this the

Hebrews 9:27

aquitted A judgement is a verdict rendered by a judge, and today’s verse is a preview of that coming moment when we all shall stand before the heavenly judge at the end of life, but here’s the twist – before you reach that point YOU can determine the verdict beforehand! Here is how and why - and the key is hidden in the definition of the word of the underlying Greek text word translated as“JUDGEMENT”.

In the original language the word judgement is κρίσις which when transliterated into English it is the word CRISIS. While the popular definition of this word is “a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger” the secondary definition is more appropriately is “the turning point of a disease when an important change takes place, indicating either recovery or death.”

That disease we all have is SIN and that sure recovery comes when we confess the atoning power of the Blood of the Saviour to deliver us from our sins and unrighteousness. Just as a doctor administers a life-saving medicine to a dying patient at a critical moment, when you allow the Great Physician to apply His healing balm of forgiveness, you move out of CRISIS into the Wholeness of HOLINESS.

Sadly as some people wait too late to seek medical healing and their body dies from disease, many wait too long to seek the cure for their spirit which will lead to their spirit’s SECOND DEATH in eternity.

Here is the good news though! You can circumvent crisis and be AQUITTED, receive a reprieve and step out from under the gavel of judgement. As always, that choice is up to you, but beware!! Make that decision before the end of your life and before you are summoned to stand in that place of CRISIS.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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