Article No. 0342

Does a 'Loving God'
Really 'Send' People
To Hell?

“...but whosoever shall say,
Thou FOOL,
shall be in danger of hell fire.”

Matthew 5:22

Sinking_Ship The biggest objection why people reject Christianity and the God of the Bible is “If 'God is Love' then how could he be so cruel to send people to Hell?” Fair question, and the answer is quite simple. Only if you are curious, read on through this illustration.

Imagine that you are on a luxury liner crossing the ocean and everyone is given a letter under their cabin door which says the ship will soon hit an iceberg and sink. Most people think it is a stupid prank, but others believe the message and get into lifeboats and move away from the ship. The passengers that chose to remain on board understandably don’t get it, call those that left “foolish”, and continue on their voyage eating, drinking and being merry, but then the ship eventually hits the iceberg and all on board are lost.

Here is what the story means.

The ship is the voyage of life, the envelope under the door is the gospel message of salvation, and the lifeboat is Christ who delivers us from death. The passengers are the scoffers and mockers that call those that left FOOLISH while their choice was to continue their mortal life voyage to a fateful conclusion.

You see, God does NOT send anyone to hell. Rather, people choose to not accept deliverance from a certain end.The ship of life ALWAYS ends up in the ABYSS, and that pit is called HELL. However the Bible says:

“The Lord is...not willing that any should perish,
but that all should come to repentance. ”

2 Peter 3:9

Yes, the first part is correct...God is indeed a God of LOVE, and He has no desire to see anyone choose eternal death. Repentance literally means to “change your mind”, so here is your challenge; can you change your mind about that God does not send anyone to Hell? He doesn’t – you can choose to believe the Gospel – or not, but either way the ship of life will end. The difference is what boat you choose to be in.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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