Article No. 0340

Stay Rooted in
God’s Word

“Let your roots grow down into him, and,
let your lives be built on him.
Then your faith will grow strong in the
truth you were taught, and you will
overflow with thankfulness.”

Colossians 2:7

What happens when a Christian discovers Jesus and makes Him his or her Lord and Savior? At first their hearts are overwhelmed with joy, a joy like no other, wanting to soak in God’s Word, praying heart felt prayers, getting involved with their church, embracing new Christian friends and beginning and living a transformed life in Christ. Yet there are some Christians who lose their joy when life throws them a curve they weren’t expecting, go through some disappointments, loses, traumas, and before they know it their faith has withered away. Some even turn away from Christ to the old life they had before.

My friend, don’t let that happen to you!

Whether you are new in Christ or whether you have walked with Him for years, make up your mind right now that you’re not going to let the rough times defeat you. Decide now that you’re going to hang onto the Word even when the persecutions, heart aches, and all kinds of afflictions come because (I guarantee you!) they will come.

We all live in a fallen world of sin that’s escalating more and more everywhere around us and it can and will effect you if you are not on guard. That’s why you have to cling to your faith. Trials will come and go in life, because that’s just the way it is. Yet, when you stay tight with the Lord you will learn to overcome them because you’ll be walking by faith. The devil is going to do his best to see to it that the Word is unfruitful in you and he’s going to be trying to mess you up every time you turn around. Although you will have problems, the difference is now you have the answer - the Word of God.

Thank God through Christ Jesus you have the power to defeat Satan! When he brings problems and disappointments your way, you don’t have to lie down and let them steam roll over you. Stand up straight and tall and keep fighting the good fight of faith until you win. You have the VICTORY IN CHRIST! All you need do is claim it.

Sure you’ll get knocked down sometimes, but when you do, get back up and say, “Look here, devil, you will not steal the Word out of my heart and out of my mind! It’s inside of me and I’m meditating on it, living it, saying it with my mouth, and acting on it until God’s blessings overtake me!!”

Tap into the POWER of GOD inside YOU and you will never, ever wither away from God and the wonderful life in Christ He has given you!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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