Article No. 0336

In Love With YOU!

“And we have known and believed
the love that God hath to us.”

1 John 4:16

Do you have any idea how much GOD TRULY LOVES YOU?!? The evidence is all around us, but most people total miss it.

First consider the miracle of just being alive. Stop for a moment and look at your hands, turn them over and look around where you are sitting and then take a deep breath. WOW! You are alive and you are not an accident! Outside is a bright sun hanging in a striking blue sky and at night the stars put on a show for free. This and more is here for all of us, and this magnificent creation is clearly evident so that we are all without excuse to know that there is something far greater that has made all this possible (read Romans 1:20!)

I don’t think many of us really either believe God did all this for all of us or even thought about it, because if we did and really realized who He is and what He has done we would come to the realization of how much God loves all of us in the world...but there is more.

God is so in love with you that He released His only beloved Son to leave heaven to lay His life down for you. Jesus experienced pain and suffering beyond our capacity to comprehend when He took ALL your sins upon Himself so that YOU could live in eternity forever.

God is so in love with you that no matter what things you may have done in this life you may obtain His mercy and grace and forgiveness.

God is so in love with you that He has given you everything He has - all the healing, all the wisdom, all the wealth, all the strength you could ever need.

Now all you have to do is believe this and receive His love! So my friend, if you have not yet come to realize how much God is in love with you and you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, simply pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to know deep down in my heart how much you are in love with me.
Please forgive me for every sin I have ever done.
I receive your mercy and grace.
Help me to forgive and forget my past because your Son died for me.
Come into my heart right now Jesus and be my Lord and Savior.
I want to be in love with you, too. In your holy name I pray – Amen

If you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart, you are now a Son of God and not only translated into His kingdom, but fully into His LOVE.

Now go in peace, my friend!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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