Article No. 0335

Take Off Your Blinders!

“People’s minds have become
STUPEFIED. Their hearing has become
DULL, and their eyes they have
CLOSED to prevent their ever seeing with their
EYES or hearing with their
EARS or understanding with their
MINDS and turning back so that
I might heal them.”

Matthew 13:15

Are you AWARE? If you are like most people, you may think that you are. Though you may be in the regular habit of reading news on-line, watch what is happening on TV – daily read a newspaper and generally are up on what is happening in the world, the country and your community you certainly are well INFORMED, but according to the words of Jesus you are not AWARE.

The definition of 'Aware' is to warn, admonish, heed, (or) watch out. If that is the case, then watch out and warn about what?? Today’s scripture is a warning about the blindness that many have, namely that without being healed from sin and the curse of death, they will be lost in an eternity caused by their blinders of choice.

The Bible says that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17) but in order for Faith to take root, you must take off your blinders, open your ears, sharpen the mind, and be receptive in the heart.

Are you 'AWARE?' If not, turn back from your regular habits! Look instead at the Word of God and SEE what is real and good and pure that God is promising you in His assurance of eternal life and starting seeing what really is important.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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