Article No. 0329

Behold The Wisdom of God

“Who has known the mind of the LORD
or who has been His counselor?
Who has ever given to God, that
God should repay Him? For from Him and
through Him and to Him are all things.
To Him be the glory forever! Amen.”

Romans 11:34-36

In reading this scripture you have to stop and wonder - How could One Being be So Powerful while additionally wondering that someone invisible to our naked eyes is so self-sustaining?

God required no counselor to teach Him, yet He is ALL knowing, then just by speaking He created the universe and every living thing in this world, and finally created man in His own image. Given the magnitude of His Majesty and Magnificent Power, how could it be possible for us to even come to know and worship Him and His Wisdom? These are vast questions to ponder, even for those who live in denial against His existence or who are agnostic.

It is impossible to fathom or thwart the wisdom and judgments of God, because we as humans are not capable of doing so with our finite minds. God’s wisdom is unsearchable, yet He freely imparts His wisdom to us through the Holy Spirit in a very special way to those that seek Him and read His Holy Word.

God was wise enough to create you, but have you been wise enough to step into His wisdom He has for you? God’s magnificence is manifest to everyone that not only recognizes Him, but has also accepted His Son, Jesus Christ, to deliver you from your eventual death in this world to eternal life in heaven. If you AGREE with this statement, this is what the word REPENTENCE means; to change your mind and agree.

Agree with Him and receive His Wisdom, Life and Salvation TODAY.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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