Article No. 0328

Death Is
The Great Equalizer

“A barking dog
Is better than
A dead lion.”

Ecclesiastes 9:4

This verse from Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite Bible verses because it is both really funny but also patently true!

Consider how many famous movie stars, politicians, and athletes that were once widely well-regarded are now fully departed from this world- and presently now in most cases are entirely forgotten. During their lives they were the “LIONS” of their age but now even a lowly barking DOG stands on the earth above while all those once powerful and great people are long gone and six-feet under.

The reality is that DEATH IS – in fact – THE GREAT EQUALIZER. If you are – or think you are – someone of 'importance' in this life because of your power, wealth, position of fame think again because one day like those mighty 'lions' of the past you will also be a distant memory in the eyes of the world. No one can escape physical death, but we all can escape spiritual death. Here’s why...

There was one MIGHTY LION, the “Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, (who has) conquered (death)” (Revelation 5:5) and that is Jesus. Because “Christ arose from the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:4), He became “the first of a great harvest of all who have died.” (1 Corinthians 15:20) who “led captivity (that were) captive” (Ephesians 4:8) out of the prison of the grave and up to eternal life.

Whether small or great in this life, we all can follow Christ, the ultimate LION, into an eternity of grace and blessing instead of the curse of eternal death and darkness simply by admitting that we are not worthy of being in God’s eternal presence because we are sinners. By simply asking Him to forgive you of our sins and earnestly believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9) you can be far above those left in the forever, forgotten darkness of the grave below.

If you have not done so, do this right now because outside of Christ before you know it, there may be a barking dog standing on your grave!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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