Article No. 0325

God Is Speaking To You!
Do You Hear His Voice?

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them,
and they follow me.

John 10:27-28

While Psalm 140:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I AM God,” we are instead continually bombarded with the world’s distractions and stressed to do THIS, go THERE, and finish THAT...but our Heavenly Father wants our undivided attention, and all these things pulling on us prevent that from happening. The answer is as today’s verse simply tells us is being quiet and still as the best and only way to begin to hear His still quiet voice.

Hearing from God may not happen quickly or overnight, because it takes time to develop discipline in the stillness with God. Once you start sitting alone with Him you will long for this close, warm special time more and more until it becomes the most cherished time of your day.

I remember once when I had lost my car keys and I was frantically looking all around the house praying, 'Lord, please help me find these keys. I’ve got to find them!' Finally after frantically searching the entire house over, I heard inside me, “Look in the hall closet. They are in your green coat pocket.” Sure enough, there they were! The Holy Spirit spoke to me as clear as a bell! I was thrilled knowing how aware my Father was about my keys as God cares about everything you care about, even when you need the best parking spot! God cares about your needs, no matter how small or large it may be.

God is speaking to you and me 24/7, so pray together right now and ask Him to help us open our ears to hear His voice.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We so need to hear your voice and to know which direction is the right direction you have for us in this life. Please help us to put you first in our lives and not this world. Come and activate the Holy Spirit’s presence inside our deepest beings to hear your divine voice so that we have confidence every day that we are walking with you and making wise choices in everything we do. In your precious Son’s name, Jesus, Amen

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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