Article No. 0324

Practice This Key
To Win The World

“That they may be one,
even as we are one”

John 17:22

Most believers don’t realize that Jesus gave us the KEY to winning the world, but here’s the problem; we are not practicing it. In fact, we are doing the exact opposite.

Today’s social and political world is marked by division and sadly the church is no exception. Ministries and denominations are often in competition or at odds with one another, and as Jesus also said, “A House divided against itself cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25)

Yet, If only you and I and all the rest of the Body of Christ would come together and start loving and each other and working together we would truly WIN THE WORLD TO CHRIST. It’s time to stop all the scrapping and criticizing of one another, come and work together and start treating Jesus’ commission that we love one another as a command instead of an alternative and be unified by the Spirit of God.

To successfully evangelize the world today, pray and practice oneness. Make up your mind that you’re going to start loving your fellow believers and look at them and all people in this world through the eyes of Jesus. Grab this powerful KEY that Jesus has given us and let’s rise up together with other believers in faith and love as one glorious Body driven by the power of Jesus Himself. Join the passion that drove Jesus, the passion He prayed would happen, and the passion the Holy Spirit has given us and the Great Commission WILL come to pass.

Once we do, there is nothing in the world that can stop a unified church!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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