Article No. 0322

What’s Your Number?

“You have decided the length of our lives.
You know how many months we will live,
and we are not given a minute longer.”

Psalm 90:12

Everyone has a number.

It is the number of days that we all will breathe on the planet. Like these five famous people, it is an easy number to calculate once someone dies, but while we are alive, that number for each of us is unknown and is known only to God.

Your number could be low, high or somewhere in between, but here’s the thing –today’s verse from Psalms tells us that your number has already been calculated and you are not given a minute longer.

When your last minute expires, do you know what will happen and where you will go? Sadly for most people they don’t, or just “hope” that they will be in God’s grace and go to heaven. If you are one of these kinds of people, you need to seriously reconsider this strategy because when your clock expires the consequences are irreversable and tragic.

Fortunately God’s GRACE (i.e. Getting what we DO NOT DESERVE) is freely available! All you have to do is ask in FAITH:

“For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God”

Ephesians 2:8

All of us are eternal, and your ending number on earth is merely the beginning of eternity. If you have not done so, accept God’s free gift of GRACE today, because today or tomorrow your number may come up, and if not, it day.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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