Article No. 0320

Are You On A
Happiness Trek
Or A
Truth Trek?

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness and
all these things shall be ADDED unto you.”

Matthew 6:33

What do you want ADDED most to your life?

Many might think that a brand new car, a better house, a fabulous wardrobe, or a luxurious vacation will satisfy and while all these would be an enjoyable 'happening' in that moment, once that moment passes...then what?

The problem with fun, exciting or expensive things or events is that as nice as they are, they only last for a limited period of time - and then there is an end to it. It might be a new love affair, partying, or doing something exciting - or even dangerous – or any number of other treks down a road seeking happiness, but once that moment of 'Happiness' concludes, where does that road take you?

Our search in life for satisfaction places all of us at a crossroad of CHOICES. Either we choose treks for HAPPINESS or a trek for TRUTH. Given that happiness is tied to the temporary immediateness of what is happening, what does the alternative of “Truth” mean or look like?

Today’s scripture points us to seek what is 'best' in this life, and that’s when we seek that which is above in God’s kingdom, that all that we (really) want (and need) will be added.

Jesus said “I am...the TRUTH” and when you Seek First the trek down the road of HIS TRUTH, it will not be a road that ends in a singular moment, but will last for all eternity.

Which TREK are you on?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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