Article No. 0317

What is the Opposite

“He does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.”

Psalm 103:10

Most people would say that the opposite of JUSTICE is Injustice, but that’s not correct. The right answer is MERCY.

From God’s points of view, we are all guilty of not being righteous and are all deserving of judgment (Romans 2:12) and punishment for our sin (Romans 6:23). This is the essence of God’s righteous and JUST JUDGEMENT.

God in His Holiness cannot be with those that are against HIS nature, but our HUMAN nature is the exact opposite! By default we as people want to do what WE want and be self-directed. Sadly what most people cannot see, understand, or accept is that this is the road that always “...leads to destruction” which unfortunately the majority of people will insist on following (Matthew 7:13). Conversely, the opposite of MERCY is JUSTICE and that justice has a consequence.

God is completely justified in executing judgement, but He is much more a God of Love and Forgiveness and graciously extends the freedom that comes with His MERCY to all those that are repentant and are tender hearted towards Him.

So today, which have you chosen to receive?


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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