Article No. 0308

This Used to Be
What We Practiced As
Separation of
Church and State

“By the rivers of Babylon,
there we sat down, yea, we wept,
we remembered Zion.”

Psalm 137:1

A YouTube documentary on WWII showed a poignant scene of sailors preparing to go into combat. In advance of the climatic conflict to come, ‘church call’ was sounded and chaplains held church services before beginning battle. One scene that really struck me was this picture of the American Flag lowered under the Christian Flag of the Cross that flew over the men as they prepared for what might be there last moments on earth.

What cannot be disputed here is how far our country has shifted in the respect and application of Christianity in America. In times past, it was not a ‘separation of Church and State’ as much as it was a reverence and balance of God to Country and Country to God. Today this balance has not only disappeared from our traditions and minds, but the Cross of Christ has been removed from the consciousness of the majority of Americans.

Like today’s scripture verse, much of America has chosen exile to a state of spiritual Babylon and have embraced and been assimilated into a pagan culture that not only denies God - but mocks any people that reverence the Almighty.

But just like those exiled Jews, today there also is a ‘faithful remnant’ of people that have remained faithful to both God and Country. Sadly, the America that we once was will not return. The pagans are winning and have won the battle for the direction of America, but when JESUS, the KING OF GLORY returns, His Banner will again be raised above all others.

Which flag do you hold higher allegiance?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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