Article No. 0303

Practical Definitions
Godly Virtues

“If there be any virtue, and
If there be any praise,

Philippians 4:8

We use words like Faith, Hope, and Love perhaps too casually in our vernacular, but the examples below capture the best essence of their true meaning. (Author Unknown)

  • A group of farmers in a small town were experiencing a prolonged draught and decided to meet in the town square for a community day of prayer for rain. One boy showed up with an umbrella.
    This is FAITH
  • Each night we set our alarm anticipating the next day will be another blessed day on earth.
    This is HOPE
  • Thou the world reels from tragedy, death, and destruction, we still have marriages and children.
    This is LOVE
  • When you make future plans, despite not knowing what challenges may lie ahead.
    This is CONFIDENCE
  • When you throw a baby up in the air, they laugh hysterically and are confident that you’ll catch them.
    This is TRUST
  • A senior citizens jersey said “I’m not 80! I’m 16 with 64 years of experience!”
    This is ATTITUDE

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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