Article No. 0302

The Devil
Loves Religion

“One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,
One God and Father of All,
And Through All and
In All.”

Ephesians 4:5

Satan Loves Religion, is all FOR it, and wants even MORE of it! Does that sound crazy? Actually it isn’t…it’s been his plan from the very beginning.

One of the most effective techniques Satan uses to turn people away from God is getting people to think they have to DO SOMETHING in order to enter eternity, nirvana, become ‘enlightened’ or acceptable to a god or gods. Religion in a nutshell is EXACTLY THAT - Man’s attempt to please god.

Religion requires that there are RULES to follow, and that you must do something in order to be worthy or accepted, either by a divine being or by a group that demands that you adhere to an established creed. In the end, it is an endless treadmill of actions, mantras, and rituals with the ultimate goal of distracting the practitioner of seeing the truth of who God is and what He really wants.

The plain truth is God Does Not Want Your DEEDS, He Wants Your DEVOTION. The ‘Faith’ referred to in today’s scripture verse at heart is about having a Relationship with God, and not repetitive ritual. Just as a child has a loving relationship with it’s father, so our Heavenly Father wants to have that self-same intimate relationship with us. This is what Christianity is all about – Relationship NOT Religion.

If you are living a life based on doing something to gain God’s favor, God instead is waiting for you to simply say, “I LOVE YOU GOD. THANK YOU FOR BEING MY HEAVENLY FATHER.” Have you said that yet? If not, do it today.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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