Article No. 0300

Stop Being Offended

“But I tell you not to try to get even
with a person who has done something to you.
When someone slaps your right cheek,
turn and let that person slap your other cheek.”

Matthew 5:39

We live in a “culture of offenses” where we must be careful to continually be politically correct or we might get in hot water and offend those around us. Sadly, offending people has become a sort of negative norm and has risen to the forefront in our daily interactions with each other. As hard as we try, somewhere someone is offending somebody sometime and we have no control over how people respond to what happens to them. So while we have zero control about the response of people that feel offended, we have total control of how WE respond when people offend us.

We can’t help the poor actions or offensive statements of others, nor can we stop racists from hating, sexists from denigrating, or elitists from power trips, but God has given each of us the spirit of Self-Control — the self-same spirit that Jesus practiced all throughout His ministry. When or if you are confronted with offensive verbiage or other abuse, practice the following:

  1. See offenders as broken people in need of God’s grace, not as people who are out to get you
  2. Extend grace and compassion towards those who hurt you.
  3. Choose not to take up an offense and let it roll off your back!

Like anything in life, GODLY LOVE is the answer. When someone offends you, forgive and pray for them. Their offensive action is a clue they need inner healing and compassion.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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