Article No. 0298

Even Charlatan
“Christian Ministers”
Accomplish God’s Will

“Whether in
Pretense or in Truth
Christ is Preached
And therein do I Rejoice.”

Philippians 1:18

Whether you are a Christian, skeptic, agnostic, or god hater, we’ve all seen them on late night TV – the slick, fast talking ministers that promise health, wealth and success if only you would ‘SOW YOUR SEED INTO THEIR MINISTRY(!)’ There may even be glowing testimonials by people on how their life was changed through that pastor’s teaching or even a dramatic healing that they received in one of his services, or how God saved their soul from sin and death.

All the above is TRUE – but not for the reasons the huckster minister said about financial faithfulness to their ministry!

The Apostle Paul saw this 2,000 years ago when lots of self-proclaimed ‘men of God’ were jumping on this new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: ''}, 'google_translate_element'); healthy profit from it. However as Paul said in today’s verse, and Isaiah 55:11 states, whether preached sincerely or insincerely, God’s Word will “not return unto me (i.e. God) void (i.e. with no effect), but it shall accomplish that which I please.” Even though opportunist preachers take advantage of the naive and gullible, their ‘ministries’ more often than not DO have positive outcomes, and even miracles happen because Bible principles from the Word of God are being applied.

Years ago while on a business trip I visited a well-known ministry in Florida run by two charismatic pastors. The music was tremendously uplifting, the people rejoicing, some even crying earnestly and attending faithfully each week in that congregation yearning for the presence of God, yet I had never before experienced such an underlying manipulation of people and emotions in a church! FOUR OFFERINGS were requested (even using your credit card!) and the music, while performed beautifully, was emotionally controlling. The pastors and elders all sat on a stage in giant throne-style chairs like lords in a court and the various speakers recited one Bible verse after another, yet underneath it all was a spirit of insincerity. For them it was another Wednesday night, they were open for business, and the customers were in the store ready to buy, yet God’s Word did not return void! People were definitely getting saved in that church and the Spirit of God was working through people there.

God - nor His Word - is not mocked, because “…whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.” (Galatians 6:70) The judgement of those that sow their gospel for their own glory and gain is in His hands, just as is the Blessing His Word is to those souls that hear it, regardless of how or by whom or by what motivation it is spoken.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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