Article No. 0297

It Is Never Too Late
To Turn Back

“Straight is the Road
That Leads to Eternal Life”

Matthew 7:14

Former President Barack Obama once truly and wisely said, “If you stay on the right road long enough, eventually you will get to your destination.” The opposite of that is true, given in the admonition shown on the church sign in today’s message that there is always an opportunity to fix your error, however you have to recognize your mistake and take action.

Years ago I was on a road trip and was planning to navigate off of a turnpike unto a major freeway. I have an amazing sense of direction, geography and navigation and it almost never fails me and, quite frankly, surprises me at times how I manage to successfully ‘beagle’ my way to impossible destinations from the seat of my pants. However in this trip I failed spectacularly.

While I thought I was on the right highway, in my self-confidence and pride I would not admit to my passenger, despite their doubtful concerns, that I could possibly be on the wrong road…that is until about ninety minutes later when I saw a sign for a city that was way off my final destination! By that time I was about 100 miles off course and it was too late to ‘go back.’ The hard remedy was a complicated and time wasting alternate route to get back to where I should have been headed.

Correcting a misdirection of a highway road is one thing, but going down the wrong road of life can have an unforeseen and tragic end if not corrected. Jesus put this way when he said,

“Wide is the road that leads to destruction
The road most people will take…”

Matthew 7:13

Like my cautionary passenger, we all have someone with us to aid navigating the road of life. You may know it as your conscious but in truth it is the Holy Spirit of God speaking to your spirit. When you hear that voice, don’t be like most people and ignore it. If you are on the wrong road going in the wrong direction, hoping it will all work out will never have you end up where you thought. Admit your error – confess your sin – turn around your current route, and go back to the intersection that leads to eternal life. It is NEVER too late to turn back.

Are you on the right road today?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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