Article No. 0296

What Would You Do
If Jesus Was Standing
By Your Bed?

“Beloved, now we are children of God,
and it has not appeared as yet what we will be.
We know that when He appears, we will be like Him,
because we will see Him just as He is.”

1 John 3:2

My friend Ben told me of this amazing story that completely changed his life. It was a profound, extraordinary experience that transformed him and caused him to be a devoted witness and lover for Christ. Here is his personal accoun of his exprience.

“It was in the middle of the night in a Miami hotel and the clock said 1 AM. I was tired and sleeping on my right side facing the curtains when I began to feel a warmth in my room. I turned over and looked and I saw Jesus. I saw Jesus! He sat down on my bed and put his arms around me and I felt the bed sink down. Then all I know is we went away together in a dimension not here on earth. All we did was laugh and laugh and laugh! We were both so filled with JOY! He knew I saw sick with bone cancer and my life on earth was soon to end, but comforted me and said, “Don’t worry. I have so much work ahead for you to do.” “The next thing I remember is that the clock said 5 AM and I was back on my bed.”

I was completely enthralled and asked my friend several questions about Jesus that we all want to know, but the one question that still remains in my thoughts is “ Did He seem real? “ and my friend’s exact answer was, “More REAL than you!”

I knew that this story had happened, because it resonated the truth of God so deep in my heart. I could tell that my friend was different, very different, because all he talked about was Jesus and his countenance, though sick, was luminous so full of life and joy even though he was carrying a chemo bag on his lower back. Ben knew his time on earth was limited , but he also knew he would soon be in heaven with Jesus forever.

You see, our Savior is full of surprises. We never know what Jesus will do, do we? You and I may never have a special encounter with Him like my friend, Ben did that early morning in a Miami hotel, but it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Jesus is so real, so close to us and knows everything about each of us. He is longing for you to come to Him and be His friend. Longing for you to give your heart to Him so that you will live not just here for a brief period of time, but always and forever in eternity.

If you don’t know Jesus, please open your heart right now. You will find the greatest JOY you have ever known just as my friend, Ben did!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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