Article No. 0294

Conception to Inception

“And the LORD said, Behold, the people is
One and they have all one language; and
This they begin to do: and now
Nothing will be restrained from them, which
They have IMAGINED to do.”

Genesis 11:6

imagination Did you know that all evil or sinful thoughts first start with the 'image' of an idea?

Today’s scripture is about those that had an image in their minds of a tower so tall that they could escape any future flood, and thus the infamous Tower of Babel was conceived. Like those before the flood where “Every imagination of the thoughts of the people’s heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5) they also took that image in their mind of an inconquestable thing from Conception to Inception to Deception.

Likewise, when we start to imagine evil ideas that come into our mind, the next step is to give them life in CONCEPTION and once that thought is born it enters INTO our mind as an INCEPTION. Then, if left unchecked, it will always lead to DECEPTION.

Many people are mislead today by all the many 'voices' that bombard us through media, the Internet, and popular culture. If you also allow these evil seeds into your mind, they will spring to life and become part of you, and once that happens, you will be led down dark paths — and Wrong Decisions WILL Follow.

The apostle James put it this way when he wrote:

“But everyone is tempted, when they are enticed by their thoughts,
and when that thought is conceived, what follows is sin, and the end of that is death.”

James 1:14-15

Friend, the gateway to your heart are your thoughts, and if you let evil thoughts move from Conception to Inception, then Deception is inevitable. As the Psalms says, we must always be on guard and diligent so “Keep you heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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