Article No. 0293

Are You A
Pew Warmer?

“We shall all stand before
the judgment seat of Christ.”

Romans 14:10

Woody Allen once said “90% of life is just Showing Up.” Unfortunately, the same could be said of many people that attend church on Sunday morning. While the pew might get slightly warm that hour, there is so much more God wants to do to warm the heart and soul - but that cannot happen in just one hour once a week. Unlike what Woody said, showing up is not enough.

The Christian life is not easy. It is a commitment to becoming more like Christ and being conformed to His image (Philippians 3:10) Just as we need to feed ourselves daily with good food and maintain our bodies through exercise, we likewise need to feed and exercise our spiritual body daily with God’s Word.

One day Christians will be judged – not for whether they are saved or not, but by how they served God in this life based on their commitment and faithfulness. Those that do will not only have a life that is richer now, but in eternity will receive a reward:

“Every person’s life work will become evident;
for one day it will be revealed by a fire
that will test the quality of your work for God.
After the fire burns away the deeds that are unimportant,
only the good work remains, and based on that
you will receive your reward.”

1 Corinthians 3:13-14
(Very heavily paraphrased for clarity and brevity)

Make your time while here on earth count! Redeem the time (Colossians 4:5) and live a life worthy of your calling.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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