Article No. 0292

We All Have
One of Two

“The hot sun rises
and the grass withers;
the little flower droops and falls,
and its beauty fades away.
In the same way,
the rich will fade away with
their achievements.”

James 1:11

Look carefully at the pictures of these two very famous and beautiful women:

Both achieved renown while young – admired, aspired, and adored for all the world lusted for. Both have an end that all of us will meet at one point of either a flower faded or a flower killed.

This is a harsh reality that while the sun is shining high overhead in our lives and all is going well, we never consider that there will be a time of fading away but like these two people, but that time will come for all of us one way or another.

Our riches cannot save us and neither can our beauty, as these two ladies could attest. Like the flower in the hot sun eventually it too shall pass away, but here in the midst of this is something called “The Gospel.” and with this Good News:

“For we know that when this tent we live in
--our body here on earth--
is torn down, God will have a house
in heaven for us to live in,
a home he himself has made,
which will last forever.”

2 Corinthians 5:1

Both Bardot and Mansfield are a sign for our lives of what is to come, but what we see is not the whole story. There IS a Hope that we all can have, and that Hope is eternal life by and through Jesus Christ. Do you believe this? If so, the above verse applies to you and it will indeed last FOREVER. It is free! All you need to do is believe and accept the gift of salvation:

“ That if thou shalt confess
with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.”

Romans 10:9

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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