Article No. 0290

The “New Normal”
Is NOT Normal

(...but it is Normal)

“...there shall be famines and troubles:
these are the beginnings of sorrows.”

Mark 13:8b

[Note: This is NOT a political message or statement]

The news today is full of highly unusual calamities striking across the earth. Powerful storms, strange weather patterns of extreme heat and cold, massive fires whipped by unreal winds that appear seemingly out of nowhere that have destroyed thousands of acres and homes, and power outages – both unexplained and deliberate that have disrupted the usual flow of life that we have come to expect in this modern age.

Some have publicly said that these strange happenings are “The New Normal” and in this view they are both WRONG and RIGHT! Why??!

They are RIGHT because these unusual events are NOT the “normal” the world has experienced for thousands of years but WRONG because according to Bible Prophecy all these strange events have been prophesied to happen in the Bible and are NOW EXPECTED. Here’s why.

In today’s scripture, Jesus was giving clues to what the end of human history would look like just before Christ returns the second time to the earth. Until then, just like a mother about to give birth, the pains prior to delivery increase in intensity and frequency, and this is what is happening now on the planet:

“ For we know that the whole creation
groans and labors with
BIRTH PANGS together until now.”

Romans 8:23

The Earth is in the throngs of a delivery of two things; the coming of the anti-christ and the end of 6,000 years of mankind on earth (six is the number of man according to the Bible) and the coming of the Creator Christ to redeem His creation. Getting there it is going to be a bumpy, uncomfortable, and dangerous ride, but there is a way to avoid all this!

“ ...wait for his Son from heaven...Jesus
...who delivers us from the wrath to come.”

1 Thessalonians 1:10

While we cannot escape the calamaties that are now happening around the world, you can escape the final coming wrath to come called The Great Tribulation; a seven-year period of time to come at the end of the age that will truly make the new normal uncomfortably normal. You can do this right now by confessing that Jesus Christ is the LORD and believing in Him to save you not only out of the earthly wrath to come, but the logical follow up to this of the wrath of eternal damnation.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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