Article No. 0288

Sin - Saviour = Salvation

“He erased the certificate of (our) debt,
With its obligations, that was against us and
Opposed to us, and has taken it away by
Nailing it to the cross.”

Colossians 2:14

ChristCrossPaid-Sins In this life, many people wisely save up positive credits in 'Certificates of Deposit' for their retirement, and while these are helpful in sustaining us for our natural lives, they cannot sustain us in our eternal life. However at the same time all of us have run up a negative debt that cannot be paid by our earthly CD or our good works and efforts, but there is another heavenly 'CD' that will cover it, and it is the C.D. of Christ’s Death.

The Bible says that all of us are sinners and that our 'pay' that we earn at the end of our lives is death - and our most noble Certificates of Deposit won’t wipe out that Sin-debt, but the formula in today’s title gives us the answer.

You see our sin is a DEBT but when Christ died on the cross He wiped out that debt, and as today’s scripture says, not only did He pay for our sin-debt but openly nailed it to the cross. When He did this it canceled out everyone’s sin-debt and the balance owed is zero and that equals -your- SALVATION, but there is only one thing you must do to receive this credit against your debt.

Simply ask God to forgive you of your sins and receive the Saviour to cancel-out your sin-debt, and your new 'balance' will = SALVATION. Do this today, because after that point, your debt will be called in.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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