Article No. 0287

Do You
Approve of God?

(Since) they did not approve of having
God in knowledge, God gave them up
to a disapproved mind, to do indecent things.”

Romans 1:28

We make choices about everything in life - what we like and do not like, what we believe and do not believe, and approve of or do not approve of. It covers the entire spectrum of living from where we want to live, what work we want to do, the food we like to eat, or the friends we choose. Today’s scripture raises this question to an entirely higher level of what you approve. The dictionary definition of approve is to confirm, sanction, or accept. So the big question is Do You Approve of God? and if you do not approve of God, what does that mean?

Well according to Romans 1:28, if you do not approve of God then you “do indecent things.” The reality is that all of us at one time or another do indecent things, and when we do “The wrath of God (will be) revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people.” But there is a remedy for this!

Instead of receiving the Wrath of God you can instead receive the Blessing of God by Approving of God by confessing that Jesus Christ is LORD. If you have not done so, do it right now by praying this simple prayer:

Heavenly Father,
I have lived my life not approving of you or having you foremost in my thoughts. Right now that changes and I acknowledge that I have done indecent things in my life that are not approved by you. Please forgive me of these indecent things and approve me as your child saved by your Grace and by the Blood of Jesus. I receive you today and approve you in my heart as my LORD and SAVIOUR. In Jesus’ Name,

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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