Article No. 0285

Set Yourself
Apart From The World

“Come out from among unbelievers,
and separate yourselves from them,
says the LORD.
Don’t touch their filthy things,
and I will welcome you.”

2 Corinthians 6:17

It’s only natural to want to be accepted and liked by others. More often than not, this involves following the crowd and walking along the same path like everyone else, but did you know that God instead has a a better path for you?

While we are all in this world, He also wants us to be set apart from this world to do His Bidding and follow His Ways:

“For you are a holy people
to the Lord your God,
and the Lord has chosen you to be
a people for Himself,
a special treasure above all
the peoples who are on
the face of the earth.”

Deuteronomy 14:2

The word holy literally means set apart so we as God’s God people are those who set themselves apart from this dark, lost world to worship, praise Him and do His will:

“But you are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
His own special people, that you may proclaim
the praises of Him who called you out of darkness
into His marvelous light...”
1 Peter 2:9

There is nothing better as a Christian to know that you have obtained the favor of God’s mercy, because you follow His path in this world through your faithfulness to Him. As believers in Christ, we have no need or benefit to fit in with this world and its ways. As Jesus said that we are not be taken “out of the world” (John 17:16) but to do “the will of my father” (Matthew 12:50)

If you don’t know Christ and you are tired of the ways of the world and you want to be set apart along with other Christians who love Him and walk on God’s path , please pray this prayer with me:

Heavenly Father,
I want to be set apart from this world and all the sin that is around me.
I want to join those Christians you have for me to meet who love you, praise and worship you and lift you up.
I have never accepted you as my Lord and Savior before, but
I so want to now. Would you please forgive me of my sins and accept me as your very own?
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

My dear friend, if you prayed this prayer with a sincere heart, you now are a child of God and nothing in all this world will ever take you from the palm of God’s hand. Continue to ask Jesus to lead you on His path and be set apart from the world.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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