Article No. 0282

Seeing is
Not Believing

“Blessed are they that
Have NOT SEEN, and yet

John 20:29

Have you ever physically seen all the planets in the solar system, observed a single atom, or personally seen the gold reserves inside Fort Knox? Well neither have I! Yet we believe and accept these and many other things entirely on faith even thou we have never actually seen or experienced them.

On the other hand there are scoffers that say since we cannot see ‘god,’ that this is proof that he/she/it does not exist. Using that logic why should we also believe that Pluto is the farthest planet circling our sun? The point is just because you cannot see something personally doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t true.

Instead of the visible, God’s will for us often is to navigate through life by what we cannot see and to learn to “Walk by FAITH and NOT by SIGHT” (2 Corinthians 5:7) Those that practice this are promised a blessing as we are obedient to the invisible but always reliable direction of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:14)

So Friend, do not be solely guided by what you can see because God most often works in ways we cannot see or even understand and Walk the Faith-Not-By-Sight Walk! As Jesus promised, when you do, you will be blessed.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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