Article No. 0278

Living The
Glorious Life!

“I thought about my ways,
And turned my feet to Your testimonies.
I made haste, and did not delay
to keep Your commandments.”

Psalm 119:59

I am not happy to say that I have always been in the same Christian walk I am today. Perhaps you too have had a lapse in your faithfulness to God, but likewise may look back with joy at the time when you too gave your heart to Jesus. For me, nothing will ever top that moment in time.

When I was twelve years old my parents sent me to church camp. I really didn’t want to go, but little did I know that I was going to meet Jesus there. Although I read and heard about him in Sunday school, faithfully attended church and knew He was God’s Son, who he was and what he was all about never hit me. Little did I know that summer that the Holy Spirit of God was going to come inside my heart, change me and envelop me with His love, and when it did hit me, I cannot express how profoundly awesome this experience was for me.

When I came back home my parents said my whole countenance had changed and I heard them whisper, “Something has happened to her!”

But the reality is that sometimes the Christian walk isn’t always on the straight path, and my biggest personal regret in life was years later when I mostly left Jesus out of my life and made unwise choices that caused a lot of heartache and pain. Looking back I wish I had stayed close to God and paid close attention to the wisdom of His word and followed it.

I share this as an encouragement to others that have done foolish things at one time or another that were unwise and stupid. The good news is that when we “Wake Up” and start to live under the Divine Will of God, He is patient, merciful, gives us His grace, help us get back on track and will gladly forgive us. If that is where you are friend, He is waiting for you to come back to Him!

I am here to tell you it is a Glorious Life to live for Jesus! What a JOY to leave the ways of this old world behind, and follow the only true way - the way to eternal life in Jesus Christ. When we give our hearts to Jesus we are the redeemed, loved, and blessed children of God.

My friend, if you are off the path, come and re-discover this glorious life, and if you don’t know the Lord, here is your chance to start a life without regret! Start by opening the Bible to the Book of Proverbs and open your heart and mind and ask the Lord to help you take this in:

“The wise will also hear and increase in learning,
and the person of understanding
will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel
so that he may be able to steer his course rightly.”

Proverbs 1:5

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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