Article No. 0277

What Will Be
Your Legacy?

“A good man leaves an inheritance
to his children’s children.”

Proverbs 13:22

What will be your legacy when you leave this earth? Will it reveal Jesus? Will it bring glory to the Father?

Everything Jesus did was to glorify the Father, and we are to be doing the same on this earth. When people look back on your life when you are gone, will they see Jesus? Will they see that you were faithful to God the Father and His word? Or were you wasting the gifts and talents God gave to you, spending your time with the world and all it has to offer?

Unfortunately many think that by doing great works on earth that there legacy will be remembered, but what we do on earth will long be forgotten and only one thing will count:

“ You cannot add your own works onto the foundation
that is Jesus Christ. When you add (your works of)
gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw
there will be a day will when what you thought what
you did was was valuable but it will all be burned up
in fire and revealed. That fire will determine what
kind of work each person
has done.”

1 Corinthians 3:11-13
Heavily Paraphrased

Since we never die but will live our new life in heaven, our legacy should reveal God’s love and showing the goodness of God our Father, so others can see Jesus in us. Once the “wood and stubble” of our earthly efforts are passed through the fire, our legacy should be all about Jesus - our Lord and Savior and doing all He told us to do for the kingdom of God.

Christian - leave a Godly legacy for those that will follow so that others can come to know the Lord and learn of His faithfulness and goodness. Only what is done for God will count!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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