Article No. 0274

Why Believe
Gullible Ad Claims,
But Not This Claim?

“For the time will come when they will...
want to have their ears tickled.”

2 Timothy 4:3

Advertisers use some pretty unbelievable claims to sell their products, from shampoo, to vitamins, to skin care and many others, the assertions go from silly to downright ridiculous. What is even crazier is that when people hear these statements they often take them at face value as true and say to themselves, “Wow! That sounds pretty good!! I’ll take it!”

For example, the label on a shampoo may say that it contains egg white, a conditioner kiwi oil, a hand lotion avocado, or a memory pill jelly fish proteins. Really?!? Why do these seemingly spurious ingredients guarantee that that product magically has a special redeeming ingredient to solve whatever need you have, and furthermore, why do you even believe automatically believe that because it’s in there it must be good.” (?!?)

Sadly there is one 'ingredient' that is guaranteed to solve life’s singular most serious problem which is often rejected as ridiculous for a common problem that we all have called SIN. It is not something you can buy, swallow, drink, rub on, or earn, but unlike these other ridiculous claims, it is 100% guaranteed to redeem you from the otherwise incurable condition of sin:

“You were not redeemed with corruptible things,
like silver and gold…
But with the precious blood of Christ,
(the sacrifice of God for man) that is without blemish or spot.”

1 Peter 1:19

Christ’s blood washes away all our sins, and as the Bible says “ (although) you are stained red with sin, but I will wash you as clean as snow. ” (Isaiah 1:18)

This 'ingredient' is free and amazing! The question is...Do you believe it?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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