Article No. 0270

The Only Thing
God Cares About

“For God sent NOT his Son
into the world TO CONDEMN the world; but
that the world through him might BE SAVED ”

John 3:17

What do people and society think is really important in this world? It might be politics, policies, and attacking people that they despise. For others it might be unfair labor or trade practices, social justice, the environment, diversity, reproductive rights, the economy, sexual rights, immigration, homelessness, child trafficking, drug laws or a host of other societal or personal issues.

William Shakespeare once famously wrote, “All the world’s a stage” and once us “actors” on it make our exit from this life, what truly matters? Will it be because of anything we did or did not do about the aforementioned issues?

NO. God only cares about one thing, and that is The State Of Your Soul.

As today’s verse says, God is not here to judge our actions in this life on what we placed as important, but what HE thinks is important. In the temporal state of the world, certainly many of these things are relevant and timely, but Jesus said that eventually “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” All these worldly issues eventually won’t matter. What will matter is your eternal state after you exit this earthy stage.

Christ did not come into this world to right it’s ills or to save the planet, but to save US from the enemy of eternal death and bring us instead to eternal life. It is not about being good enough or following a bunch of rules, but simply saying YES TO GOD and to accept his offer of forgiveness from your rebellion and lack of communion with him. As John 3:16 has famously said, “God so loved the world - and that includes you and me…everyone!

Right now, confess to God that you are a sinner. You Know that You Are! Ask Him to forgive you of your sin and to put God first in your life. That is all He cares about.

Do you care about this too?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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