Article No. 0269

How Many Ways
Are There
To Get To Heaven?

“Narrow is the gate
and difficult the road
that leads to life.”

Matthew 7:14

Towering over two thousand feet above Rio de Janeiro stands Corcovado, the famous statue of Christ that sits dramatically above this beautiful South American city. The only way to walk to the top requires traveling up a single steep, challenging, twisting road. I should know as I hiked both up and down it and it was the toughest hike of my life!

If you were in Rio, and I were to ask you how to get to the top of Corcovado and you were to say that there were lots of different ways, it would be obvious that either you didn’t know or you actually thought that you did know. Others have actually said something similar regarding how to get to heaven.

OneOrManyRoads Oprah Winfrey once famously proclaimed on her TV show that there were many roads to God (be it Buddha, Confucius, Allah, Self-Realization, 'Being Spiritual,' or just being a good moral person.) Sadly, this is also what many people also think and believe, but just like Corcovado there is only one road to get there, and this is to and through the Cross of Christ.

The next verse after today’s scripture speaks of an alternate route - a wide road that most people travel, but that road does not lead to the eternity that they had hoped. In fact the word in the original language says that it actually leads to the way of destruction.

Friend, you can believe any map that you feel leads you to heaven and God - or even no god at all. The question you have to answer, is which road is the right road? “Are there many roads to heaven, or just one road?”

Which road are you going to choose?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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