Article No. 0266

True Love Is

“For God so LOVED the world that He
GAVE His only Begotten Son...”

John 3:16

There is a direct correlation between LOVE and GIVING in this famous Bible verse. God created us in His image to love us and give us his unbridled love without measure. He also created us to return and give LOVE to others.

Unconditional love comes from the heart and expects nothing in return. When you bless others, the love of God will be seen through you with no strings attached. When God sent His Son Jesus to save us from or sins the only condition was for us to love Him and believe in Him.

The most famous passage on love in the New Testament says:

LOVE suffers long and is kind;
LOVE does not envy;
LOVE does not parade itself,
LOVE is not puffed up,
LOVE does not behave rudely,
LOVE doesn’t seek its own,
LOVE is not provoked,
LOVE thinks no evil;
LOVE does not rejoice in iniquity, (sin) but rejoices in the truth:
LOVE bears all things,
LOVE believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

It breaks the Lord’s heart every day to see the brokenness in millions of people’s lives He sees that have no love in their lives.. If ever there was a time to love others unconditionally it is right now!

A verse in a famous old hymn says “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me”, so just imagine how much more He LOVES and values each and every soul who lives and breathes.

God’s timing is not ours, but He needs us to be His hands, His feet, His mercy, His compassion and His LOVE. So keep on giving and keep on loving others unconditionally. Expect nothing in return. Pray for those who are broken, lost, abused, sick or alone to discover the true source of love – the unconditional loving arms of Jesus.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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