Article No. 0264

Be Careful
What You Say

“Death and life are in the
Power of the tongue, and
Those who love it
Will Eat its Fruit.”

Proverbs 18:21

angry-communication Before social media, life was simpler and uncluttered. Conversations across the fence or in the grocery store were pleasant, and one used discretion in how and what was said. There were no urgent pages to answer, scroll-and-click distractions, chronic checking of email, or distress over what someone posted on-line, and you never stressed out over “political correctness” said by you or others!!

Communication today is in many ways is both better and worse. Better in that we can instantly benefit from the connection, information, and inspiration we receive from others. Worse however because without the benefit of face-to-face expressions and tonal expression, written words used on-line too casually or carelessly outside of Godly wisdom can unintentionally alienate and offend others. With instant real-time engagement, reactions of raw emotion in responding to opinions opposite of our own can call us to fall into this fast-moving current of chatter and get carried away in our selfishness.

Social media can stir our carnal nature allowing an easy outlet for our emotions, views and complaints to be heard. Used without Godly discretion our unchecked spontaneous anger to contrary views that we vigorously oppose can cause conflict to others in ways that would never happen in face-to-face conversations.

Walking by the flesh may be an accepted norm on social media, but the Bible says:

“Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.”
Romans 8:8

As followers of Christ and His teaching, we are called to die to those carnal impulses and walk by the loving leading of the Holy Spirit. Whenever we 'post' on-line ask yourself - 'Am I slow to speak? Are my words gracious and edifying? Do they reflect love and kindness reflected? Am I blessing or cursing those who oppose my thoughts?'

Only as we walk by the Spirit in the social media sphere can we make an impact there for Christ. Even when our posts are grounded in truth, our heart attitude in sharing that truth is key. Is it about me and my need to be right, or is the Lord being glorified in the words I am typing?

Jesus spoke to this human urge, saying, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 6:1). And there’s this gem:

“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
A stranger, and not your own lips.”

Proverbs 27:2

Jesus has called us ALL to be His Disciples, to live as He would have us live and to be His witnesses and His followers, so “Let the words of our mouths be acceptable in His sight.” (Psalm 19:14)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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