Article No. 0261

What Is God’s Will
For Your Life?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
with all mind, with all your strength.
Lean not upon your own understanding,
but in all your ways acknowledge Him and
He will direct tour path”

Proverbs 5:3-6

I have asked God this question so many times about my life, and if you’re like me you have, too! Perhaps you may choose a certain direction only to discover that it was the wrong decision. You may even be weary right now thinking you’re all alone “in the desert" and don’t know what to do. If so, I’ve been there too! I think we all have at one time or another.

This may be surprising but did you know that your will is connected to God’s will? This is how you will know. Even before you took your very first breath, God put His will inside you along with the special gifts He wants you to use - not just for yourself - but for Him. If you want to know His will for you start by reading His Word the Bible which has every answer to every single question you may have. His Word is the “TRUTH that sets you free!” from worry, stress, and to completely depend on His guidance and direction then on you.

Wow! That takes a load off my shoulders. How about you?

The answers you seek my friend can be found when you know who you are in Christ, but how can you find them if you don’t know Him and His Will in His Word? When you open your Bible you will find such amazing treasures that will open your eyes and heart to discover all of the benefits Jesus has provided for you:

“For I know the plans I have for you.
Plans not to harm you, but to
prosper you and to give you a future.”

Jeremiah 9:11

Isn’t it wonderful to know that you have someone who can take the load off your shoulders and give you rest and peace? Someone who can take you out of worry and who will guide you to the right person, place or job and who will provide for you?

Don’t just depend on yourself! Depend on the One who created you. There are some things you cannot do alone. Desire to know how God does things and why. Discover the perimeters that He has set which He wants you to follow and when you do, you will know His will for you, and realize it is your will too! Jesus never made serious decisions without seeking the Father’s will first for the answer. Our success is always found by following the example of Jesus who always followed His Father’s good and perfect will. God’s will is in YOU, too when you search for it. I encourage you to open your Bible to the book of Psalms and read how King David searched and found God’s perfect will. You will come to find that God’s will has been there all along. His plan is laid out for you waiting to be uncovered in those wonderful, living pages.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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