Article No. 0258

Do You Have
A Hard Heart?

“For they considered not
the miracle of the loaves,
but their heart was hardened.”

Mark 6:52

What does it mean to have a Hard Heart? The dictionary defines it as being cold, insensitive, unfeeling, and unyielding, and in light of today’s verse, it also means not realizing or appreciating the gift and power of God that is given us right before our eyes.

Consider your own life and look at all the blessings that you’e realized. Are you truly thankful for them or have you just assumed that the great things in and around your life have been taken them for granted? So often our hearts become hardened gradually and unconsciously over time. Jesus spoke how hearts become calloused when we no longer are open to hear what the Lord wants to teach or guide us through the journey of life.

In the Old Testament just like today, people chase after false gods and indulge in laish luxuries. Idolatry is the biggest thing that breaks the heart of God, and to Him it is just like a married person that has an unfaithful spouse. Many people become clueless that they have come to worship idols - not wooden statues per se, but other things in the world such as power, pride and position.

Idols are anything that we place in higher priority than the Lord. In Exodus 20:2 God told the Israelites, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” The first step is to soften our hearts and recognize the folly of focus on worldly desires and instead come to cultivate the kind of focus Jesus exemplified by spending time in Prayer with His father. Prayer brings us into intimacy and friendship with the Lord, and it is in those moments when the Holy Spirit will speak to and transform and plant seeds in our hearts to want to follow the example of Jesus.

Above all, the main step is to Seek God’s Face and then you can behold His true beauty. Then the desires and “things of this world” will fade away and then you will come to know that nothing can compare to the glory of God.

So honestly ask yourself - Do you have a hard heart? If you answered Yes then see how truly BIG God⁽s grace and mercy is to transform and forgive you. When you realize the magnitude of the gift that God has given you in redemption through Christ, His passionate and amazing love will soften your heart.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loes You
Jesus Loves You

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