Article No. 0256

“We Will Rebuild”
Was NOT The Right

“The LORD has sent a message against Jacob;
It will fall on Israel. All the people will know it-
Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria-
Who say with pride and arrogance of heart
'The bricks have fallen down,
BUT WE WILL REBUILD with dressed stone.
The fig trees have been felled, but
We will replace them with cedars.”

Isaiah 9:8-10

The memory and topic of 911 is a continuing hurt in the heart of Americans, so speaking anything controversial about this poignant moment in history is sure to cause surprise or anger. We at NOTES ON LIFE are not political, so please read this with an open mind, heart, and soul.

An extremely important, timely and relevant spiritual lesson is directly tied to today’s scripture which was Ignorantly Quoted Out-Of-Context in Congress on Capitol Hill on 9/12/2001 by Senator Tom Daschle, then four years later in commemoration by Senator John Edwards. Likewise President Bush, like the rest of the nation, echoed this theme in defiance to the attack that “We Will Rebuild.” In carefully re-reading this verse, it instead speaks of the condition of the hearts of those whose bricks had been toppled, that being one of PRIDE AND ARROGANCE.

The backstory here was that the Israelites had been attacked and beaten down by an enemy that worshipped a false god, yet in previous times, Israel always stood strong and was protected and victorious because they were faithful to God’s Word, and upheld righteousness. The exact same could be said for the United States of America.

In ancient times as at 911, the reason why they were attacked and ’the bricks (towers) fell down’ was that our nation had likewise fallen away from righteousness. You may strongly disagree with the following, but here are the facts about where the U.S. is both socially and spiritually in regards to its Lack of Righteousness.

Likewise our Pride and Arrogance has permitted a nation that has no bounds on sexual behavior or responsibility, pornography is consumed by the majority, speaking openly about God and the Bible is Forbidden, ridiculed or outlawed, there is a Disregard for Law and people in authority and Elders are Disrespected, Injustice is Rampant, people are Unapologetic about bad behavior, government and businesses are Fiscally Irresponsible, the most innocent are routinely Murdered and legalization and intoxication with Drugs are Openly Celebrated. Now the question we have to ask ourselves as a nation is Are these behaviors RIGHTEOUS?

The Bible speaks clearly about what happens when we operate outside of righteousness saying:

“Judge us Lord according to our RIGHTEOUSNESS,
and do not let those that triumph over us
rejoice when we do not.”

Psalm 35:24

America - THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED ON 911. We were judged according to our (lack of) righteousness by a godless hateful, lost peoples and then – just exactly as in ancient times - we defiantly rebuilded while those that attacked us celebrated and rejoiced.


America: REPENT Not REBUILD not with towers or walls but REBUILD HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Then and only then will another 911 not happen and we will have true protection and again become One Nation “Under God.” May we always reverently Remember and Honor those that died this day, but not Repeat It.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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