Article No. 0254

Jesus Is In
The Miracle Business

“What is impossible with man
is possible with God.”

Luke 18:27

Don’t give up when your prayer is not answered or your loved one is not healed. Don’t throw in the towel if your marriage is not reconciled or your financial problems are not solved. Don’t lose faith if your child is lost. There is hope that comes when you put your faith in the miracle working power of Jesus.

Jesus is in the miracle business! Here’s why:

  1. He shows His compassion and to meet our human need. “Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. ” - Mark 1:41
  2. He affirms His true identity as the Son of God and demonstrates this through Signs and Wonders: “Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God’s miracles, wonders, and signs.” - Acts 2:22
  3. He provides us a glimpse of miracles to come in a perfect world free from problems that is to come: “There will be no darkness there...nor the curse of evil...God will be their light... and they shall reign forever.” - Revelation 22:3-5 (abbreviated highlights)

My Dear Friend, if you need a miracle in your life or know someone who does, turn all your cares and concerns toward Jesus. He is waiting to touch you. Depend on Him to answer your prayer. In due time, you will get your answer as He is always faithful to both answer in His Time in His Way to those that put their trust in Him.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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