Article No. 0250

World Peace
Might As Well Be
Whirled Peas

Do not think that I came
to bring peace on the earth;
I did not come to bring peace,
but a sword.

Matthew 10:34

The most unrealistic and unachievable prayer banner on church signs, at peace marches, and at world gatherings and rallies is “Pray for Peace On Earth.” Why? Because Peace On Earth Is Not Possible, no matter how hard we work towards it, hope for it, pray for it, or think.

What?!? Pastor Wayne have you Lost Your &@#% Mind! Don’t we all need and want world peace and a final end to war, conflict, strife, and suffering??!? Isn’t the Christian message about love and bringing peace to the world? Well, yes it is, but it is not going to happen until one decisive event happens - the return of Jesus Christ to rule on the earth.

Many have tried and foolishly and famously failed like British Chancellor Neville Chamberlain who once naively declared in 1938 after meeting with Hitler, “We have peace in our time!” Well…that didn’t work out did it(!?), and since then not too well either!! Then like now, you’d have better success visualizing whirled peas.

You see, Christ’s mission was never to be a uniter of men to each other, but a uniter of souls to himself. In regards to relationships of people (and nations) to each other he said:

“They will be divided,
father against son and son against father,
mother against daughter and daughter against mother,
mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and
daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Luke 12:53

Because of human pride and the selfish desires of people and nations, there will never will be - nor can there be - peace on earth. The world will always be divided politically, socially, monetarily, racially, religiously, and philosophically because of the ego-centric sin nature of man. However when Christ returns, he will set up a true Kingdom of Peace where He will “divide the sheep from the goats” (Matthew 25:21) – that is, those that are united to him and those that are not. Then and only then will we have peace on earth.

Until then, we can have inner peace by uniting our souls to our creator. If you have not sought after the true peace that only Jesus can give, ask him to give it to you as he promised:

“Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

John 14:27

There may not be peace in this world, but there can and be peace in the heart of those that know the “PRINCE OF PEACE.” Are you one of them?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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