Article No. 0248

Spiritual Battles Are
Won In The Heavens

“Those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”

Isaiah 40:31

Whenever fighting an enemy, you need to be prepared to fight, and fight in the field favorable to you. If not, your battle will be lost.

The Bible first depicted Satan as a snake, and if you are face-to-face with a dangerous snake on his field, you are at a disadvantage. The snake is smart, fast, and can deftly move at lightning speed to move in for the attack. But in order to win, take a lesson from the eagle to turn the tables on the enemy.

The eagle doesn’t fight the snake on the ground, but grabs the snake and soars up into the sky. Without the leverage of pressing against the earth, the snake is powerless! It has no stamina, power, or balance and cannot move, escape, or strike. Once high enough, the eagle drops the snake and it falls to certain death. The eagle is victorious because it took the battle to a place where his enemy had no authority.

Likewise we need to take our fight to the devil in the heavenlies, not on the earth. Once in the spiritual realm, God is there to help you win the battle, but how do you change from below to above? By knowing and speaking the Word of God with authority and praying according to God’s Will.

The Bible promises us that the victory is ours because through Him “We are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Romans 8:37) So be like the eagle! Sink the sharp talons of the Word of God into the enemy and take the battle to the realm of God and soar to victory.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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