Article No. 0246

Plug Into
The Power Source

“In Your hand is power and might;
in Your hand it is to make great
and to give strength to all.”

1 Chronicles 29:12

Did you know that you and I are God’s crowning jewels? We were created in His glorious image and He put a special purpose in each and every living human being to fulfill during our lifetime here on earth. If this purpose is rejected, ignored or not fulfilled, life will never be what God intended for you or for me.

If you look at a light bulb sitting on a desk it is useless and has no meaning or purpose. However, once fitted into a lamp and plugged into a power source, it’s purpose takes on new meaning as a source of light that is useful for our daily living.

You and I are much like a light bulb without a power source until we plug into the Greatest Power Source in the universe, the Lord God Almighty who made heaven and earth and above all you and me.

Are you asking how you find this amazing power? You can and find it by committing to make your heavenly Father God and His Son, Jesus Christ #1 in your life. Start each and every day by spending time reading the Word of God, and praying from your heart to your maker. Ask for guidance and direction, and truly thank them for the blessings of your life. When you plug yourself into God’s Power you will be perfectly fitted to emanate light and energy fulfilling God’s plans and purposes for your life. Then you cannot help but shine His glorious light into the world. My friend, what a light You will be!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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