Article No. 0242

Sin is a
Human Right
(...but sinning is not)

“If you don’t desire to serve or obey God,
then choose what you want to do.”

Joshua 24:15
(Heavily paraphrased)

The title of this article may sound contradictory, but it’s true. You can choose to do whatever you want - either to your benefit or detriment. You can make any decisions you want, any time you want, but there are always either good outcomes or bad consequences based on your free will choices.

The word 'sin' in the Bible literally means to miss the bullseye (the target) and we are all guilty of that and making mistakes, messing up and missing the target. Sometimes we do this unintentionally, but more often than not because we made a conscious choice to do something wrong.

So sinning is a right we often practice and in doing so choose to miss the mark by our choice to sin, but here’s the thing...when we do there are consequences. In this life they can be small (like speeding and paying a fine) but for our eternal future the Bible says that “The payment for SIN is DEATH (Romans 6:23) Sinning is NOT the way to go, but we do have a choice and a way to overcome bad choices!

The King James translation more precisely puts it this way in Joshua 24:15 “...choose this day whom you will serve.” When we choose to obey God and live by His principles which always hit the bullseye, we profit, not plummet. As Proverbs 19:11 says, “In keeping them (his law) there is great reward.”

So give up your SIN RIGHT and embrace what IS RIGHT. Go for the target as best you can and align your life with God and He will always help you aim well.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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