Article No. 0239


“ Jesus said…
I am the way, the truth, and the life:
No one comes (to God)
but through me.”

John 14:6

As children, we played a game called ‘musical chairs.’ Chairs were placed in a row and children walked around the chairs in a circle while music was playing, but when the music suddenly stopped, everyone scrambled to sit down on one of the chairs. The tricky part was that each time the music played, one chair was removed so the game progressed until it got down to the last two children and a single chair. When the music stopped the final time, there was only room for one on the remaining chair and the game was over.

Similarly, this takes us to the very narrow conclusion of today’s scripture in that while there are many faiths parading around the world in the religion game, when the time on this earth ends, there can only be one faith left.

This message of “(only) ONE WAY” to heaven or eternal life is extremely unpopular in the post 60’s world of 'Do Your Own Thing,' or ‘To Each Their Own,’ but John 14:6 are Jesus’ words and He raises a very difficult but legitimate question - Is Following Christ and Christianity an exclusionary Faith? And the answer, as hard and offensive as it may be for some reading this is YES, and the musical chairs and following examples demonstrates why this must be true.

In the physical world of science, two objects (be they rocks, people, or atoms) cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Likewise in a logical world, opposite facts cannot simultaneous be true such as ‘the room is currently lit/the room is currently pitch dark,’ yet many contend that many religions are simultaneously equally true and valid and lead to the same God. While the world’s religions do share many good, peaceful lessons held by sincere honest people, their ultimate core teachings are more different than similar because of the deity they revere and what they ultimately cite as The TRUTH.

The reality is that when the long song of history ends, there will only be ONE Truth, ONE Way and ONE GOD. It cannot simultaneously be Buddha, Allah, Nature, The Cosmos, The Universe, Gaia, or Krishna, but rather the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – the God of the Bible who is the LORD and Creator of All. Jesus said that HE was The Way. The only chair left is the throne of God as Psalm 45:6 says, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of uprightness is the scepter of Your kingdom. ”

The good news is that ALL are invited, and no one is excluded, but the way to God is not inclusive of every philosophy, practice, and religion, but it is a very focused PATH as Jesus said:

“...straight is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leads to eternal life,
and few there be that find it.”

Matthew 7:14

Opposite faiths, theologies, and world views cannot all simultaneously be true at the same time. The dilemma, and point of decision for you the reader is to ask yourself is - “Is Jesus truly the ONLY WAY? No one can make that decision for you, and all are free to reject this notion that there is only one way to Heaven, Nirvana or God. So what do you think? Is Jesus - as he boldly said - “The ONLY WAY,” or are there other ways you’d rather take?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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