Article No. 0237

The Power of
The Tongue

“..the tongue is like a fire
…a world of wrong occupying its place in our bodies
and spreading evil throughout our whole being. ”

James 3:5

Many of the most prodigious people in history were great and became great through the sheer power of speech using the tongue. In politics Barack Obama, Winston Churchill, and Adolph Hitler literally changed the world through the words they spoke. In theater Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, and William Shakespeare moved audiences in ways only they could through their words. In comedy, Robin Williams, Jerry Seinfeld, and George Carlin could not be beat for their wit, quickness, and laugh-out-loud spoken observations about people and life.

The two persons used in this illustration are NOT a political statement, but are unfortunate examples of what harm one can be done to oneself or to others through the power of the tongue. Each of these people have good qualities, but in both cases just a single word started a fire that destroyed and alienated them from people on all sides. Today’’s scripture describes it as a fire where one little word acts like a spark that turns into a blaze that destroys. For these two excellent speakers, their tongues – the rudder of their ships, ran them aground.

So if the tongue can be used to move, influence and affect people for GOOD, one word or sentence can do the same for EVIL. Ill-conceived words spoken out of turn contra wise will create division, level lives, hurt people, or ruin reputations and careers. All of our words have power, and how, when and where we apply them can powerfully move or destroy others - or even yourself.

On the other hand, words used wisely will bring life and light and lift others:

“A word fitly spoken is like
apples of gold in pictures of silver.”

Proverbs 25:11

Guard your words and use them carefully to speak light, love and affirmation! There is great power in the tongue! Use it wisely.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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