Article No. 0235

Tune Up Your Ears
God is Speaking

“Blessed rather are those who
hear the word of God and keep it!”

Proverbs 3:6-16

In Genesis 2:16-17 God gave a command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But Eve wasn’t paying attention to her Creator’s voice. She started listening to another voice and what happened? Satan planted a seed of doubt about God’s integrity and offered her one appealing advantage of doing things her way— and she fell for it. From then on, all of creation fell from God’s grace, and that is why the world is still in a big mess.

The enemy’s tricks are still on going and he has never changed. He still whispers lies and twists the truth to convince us that God can’t be trusted and His ways are not the best. In every temptation, there is a deception about the character and motive of God, plus an attractive promise of a better way.

The world is full of voices vying for our attention to influence our thoughts and actions. Think about the messages being sent your way every day through all kinds of media and people. Conscientiously begin to compare them to what the Scriptures says about God and His ways. God will always lead you in the right direction.

For forty days and nights Satan tempted Jesus in the desert. Just imagine the obedience and strength of our Lord and how He was able to rebuke Satan with the Word of God reminding him with these words, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’“

Jesus never argued with Satan. His inner strength came from speaking God’s Word which was deeply embedded inside Him. God is calling us to tune up our ears and to listen to His voice. This is exactly what Jesus did faithfully every day. Jesus is our prime example of how to live an obedient life internalizing the power of God’s Word which helped Him over come Satan’s enticing temptations.

All of us at one time or another experience temptations of one kind or another, but we must use self discipline to not give in. Take time to read this passage in Matthew 4:1-16 and apply it each time you, yourself may be tempted in life.

God Bless Your Day

Jesus Loves You

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