Article No. 0232

Religion is Complicated
Christianity is Simple

“Thus have ye made
the commandment of God of none effect
by your tradition.”

Matthew 15:6

Have you ever wondered where elaborate cathedrals, clergy arrayed in colorful robes wearing pointy hats, ornate ceremonies with attendants carrying banners and swinging lamps of incense, decorative altars and elaborate ceremonies (and then perhaps asked the question) - ‘Where in the heck did all THIS came from?!?’ It looks likes all these complicated rituals are man-made ridiculous religiosity. Perhaps you agree!

Now don’t get me wrong – ceremonies are all a part of the human experience, but let’s not make the same mistake of the Pharisees and Sadducees in Jesus’ time where those heads of the religious institutions loved to “ sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues.” They were all about the temple, ceremonies, ritual, robes and power. It is human nature to dress things up, but the point here is that if Christianity has turned you off by all this pomp and circumstance as B.S. “religious nonsense,” I totally see your point and again agree.

Full disclosure here- I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church and lived through all of these kinds of rituals. While there is nothing wrong with these displays or houses of worship, the point is if this is all you think Christianity is all about, or if you are practicing these rituals as way of seeking God, consider the following.

The Gospel message is pretty simple, and the words and message of Christ are clear. Starting with John the Baptist, John called people to repent of their sins, then Christ died on the cross to redeem us from our sins, and lastly the Apostle Paul and other New Testament writers prescribed a clear path for Christian living and thought. The salvation and freedom of the Christian message is not do’s, dont’s, high holy days, or building elaborate cathedrals and practicing religious pomp and circumstance. It is all about the love your Heavenly Father has for the whole world, but more specifically for YOU as a unique, special individual. Our connection to God has nothing to do with Religion but has everything to do with Relationship.

Christianity is not complicated, but simple; God Loves You and wants to have a personal relationship with you and your life. Like any relationship, it takes time to know one another. No candles, cathedrals, or comical hats required. Just Faith, Hope, and Love - these three. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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