Article No. 0230

Are You “Redeemed?”

“ Christ hath redeemed us…”
Galatians 3:13

Back in the 1950’s and 60’s merchants used to give ‘stamps’ to customers based on the amount of a purchase. These stamps were then pasted into a little book and taken to a redemption center store where there were a variety of items you could “buy” with your stamps.

Just like these book of stamps, we ALL have a great deal of value in God’s eyes, but here is the catch - like the stamps, they have no value until brought to the redemption center. This brings us to today’s title and question, “Have You been redeemed yet?”

Jesus said that all of us have GREAT VALUE (Matthew 10:31) and that we all have been Bought with a Price (1 Corinthians 7:23) with something far greater than anything on earth:

“You were not redeemed with earthly currency…but with the precious blood of Christ…”
1 Peter 1:18,19 (paraphrased)

Jesus has gone to the cross at Calvary (i.e. the redemption center) and redeemed you, but you cannot be redeemed until you take yourself there to Him. What you will be redeemed for is the salvation of your soul and eternal life! Have you done this?

If not, all you need to do is ask God to forgive you of your sins. Do this right now and don’t delay! There is no guarantee of tomorrow, because like the redemption store, someday that door will close and the value of the precious stamp of your life be lost and not redeemable. Will you take that step to be redeemed TODAY?

God Bless Your Day

Jesus Loves You

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