Article No. 0228

Unplug and Recharge!

“But blessed are your eyes, because they see;
and your ears, because they hear.”

Matthew 13:16

How often do you recharge your cell phone? In this “I can’t do without my cell phone” world, probably a lot. These devices have in many ways positively changed our lives and while neither overwhelmingly good nor inherently evil – it’s how we use – or not use them – that counts.

For example, Bible apps can help in our spiritual life, while messages from family and friends (and funny pics or videos) on social media warm the heart. No doubt this age of instant communication has enabled some wonderful things, but on the negative side technology can also very easily become an idol in our lives when we place it ahead of putting God first. For some that are constantly glued to their screens, this becomes the focus of their lives and with “knowledge increasing” (Daniel 12:4) it is a false promise of making us think that we are smarter and wiser than we really are.

The point is that while using our devices is not wrong, we need to be serious about our daily priorities and conscientiously radical about Unplugging from the World and Recharging with our Heavenly Father.

While unplugging may not be good for the cell, it is good for the soul! For myself, it’s a daily discipline to make sure that my Bible reading is the first thing I do in the morning, rather than checking my email. It says a lot more about our priorities to hear first from the Creator of the Universe before someone has sent me a nugget of novelty in my inbox. So hold off checking your GEE-mail until you’ve first checked your “GOD-mail!”.

Ignore that little text beep! Unplug your Connection to the World and Recharge your Heart to God.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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