Article No. 0227

Are You Preparing
To End Life Well?

“For everything there is a season, and
a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and
a time to die...”

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Life is going to end for each and every one of us - and that’s a fact! But many people often spend at least half of their lives thinking about the here and now so much that they put off eternity as though they will live forever. By living in denial that they will someday die, some people choose to do whatever they want no matter the cost to themselves. While these could be self-destructive behaviors like abuse of drugs, sex and alcohol, it might also be just living out a normal life with no planning for the “day after the day after.” If you think about it, both are self-destructive if you don’t plan where life leads after it ends. Do you by chance fit into either one of these categories?

When the seasons in life come to a close, some people often feel regret, grief, dismay or confusion over who they are and what their real purpose in life truly was. However here is some good news! There is a true purpose God has for you and for everyone, but if you are wondering what your life purpose is, the answer to that is that God had a plan for you even before you were even born,:

“For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord.
Plans not to harm you, but to prosper you and to
give you hope and future.”

Jeremiah 9:11

So, what can you do to insure yourself that your life journey is on the right track and that your life will end well? The answer is very simple – make the Number One Purpose for your life here on this earth to love God with all your heart and to put Him First above everyone and everything.

Don’t deny your eternal future of what God has prepared for you. When you live your life following God’s guideline for Godly Living, you are preparing to not only live a good life now, but an eternal life later. Living a Godly life now is not only pleasing to your Father who made you in His own image, but you are most assuredly Preparing To End your Life Well..

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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