Article No. 0225

Are Christians

“I don’t understand why I act the way I do.
I don’t do what I know is right.
I do the things I hate. ”

Romans 7:15

Well, DUHHHH...Yeah!!!!

Christians are BIG hypocrites! Do you know Christians at work or who are neighbors or heaven forbid (pun intended!) in churches or especially in YOUR church that are hypocrites?! Sure you do! So yes, Christians are HUGE HYPOCRITES, but you know what? So is everyone else...includingYOU [ and ME!! ;-) ]

The fact of the matter is that all of us - everyone ever born - is a hypocrite. Why is that? Well it gets down to the definition of the word:

  • Origin: from the Greek word parts: hypo, “under” and krino, “judge”
  • Properly: a “judging under,” like a (theater) performer acting behind a mask
  • Figuratively: a two-faced person, that acts one way but not in practice – i.e. someone who “says one thing but does another. ”

The reality is that everyone puts on airs about being a good person (saying they would never lie, cheat , steal etc.), yet all of us are guilty of a variety of sins like these and a multitude of others. Of course, we would never would never admit to acting this way (behind our “masks” of being good people), but we all are guilty of these white-lies.

The irony here is that the greatest of all the Apostles and the writer of the majority of the New Testament, and the greatest contributor to the growth of Christianity is the person that wrote today’s scripture quote. Not only that, but he is described as a “a Hebrew of Hebrews”, well heeled in the Word of God and a scholar of scholars, yet he himself said of his life in 1 Timothy 3:15 - “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Regarding this the Bible says:

“All have sinned and
fall short
of the glory of God”

Romans 3:23

That is: ALL are Hypocrites, therefore we ALL are Sinners, therefore we ALL need God’s Forgiveness. That forgiveness is freely available simply by admitting that we need his forgiveness and asking him to forgive us. So how do you do that? Here is the answer:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just
to forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

John 1:9

Please join me and ADMIT that you are also a sinner and a hypocrite, ADMIT your need for God’s forgiveness, and ASK HIM sincerely with your mouth and in your heart to save and forgive you and he will. In this life we will not stop being sinning-hypocrites, but we can and will be forgiven when we place our life in Christ. If you have not done this, will you make a decision to do this right now?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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